
I am a Lecturer in Psychology at Lancaster University (UK).

My research is at the intersect of Psychology and Behavioural Analytics.

I have centered my research around 5 key themes:

  1. Psychological, behavioural, and situational profiling using ambulatory assessment, sensor technology and digital footprints.
  2. How situations impact peoples psychology and behaviours, and how we can develop context aware technologies.
  3. Technology adoption, drivers of continued technology use, and how technology impacts users.
  4. Theories of behaviour consistency and change, advocating the need to understand rates of change.
  5. Interpretable machine learning to model non-linear relations and interactions

Current projects involve:

  1. The development of digital behavioural biometrics and digital identities.
  2. Mapping interactions between situations and social behaviours.
  3. Capturing and analysing definitions of sociotechnical resilience.
  4. Understanding how context impacts physical activity and sedentary behaviour.
  5. Ethics of using digital behavioural data in research projects
  6. Reviewing the longevity and functionality of behaviour research software

I am also writing a book on digital research methods in Psychology. Watch this space!

Recent Publications:

Shaw, H., Taylor, P. J., Ellis, D. A., & Conchie, S. M. (2022). Behavioral Consistency in the Digital Age. Psychological Science, 33(3), 364–370. https://doi.org/10.1177/09567976211040491

Geyer, K., Ellis, D. A., Shaw, H., & Davidson, B. I. (2022). Open-source smartphone app and tools for measuring, quantifying, and visualizing technology use. Behavior Research Methods, 54(1), 1–12. https://doi.org/10.3758/s13428-021-01585-7